Position: Programming Manager (Factual)
Location: Warsaw
This role is in charge of development of programming strategies and content schedules in Poland, as well as providing support in terms of programming selection and development of strategies for relevant channels from FNG portfolio in Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
This position is responsible for content and performance related activities for FNG channels working closely with all departments (Marketing, On Air Creative, Affiliates, Ad Sales) to ensure a clear and unified message.
Develops programming strategies and oversees linear and non-linear schedules
Supervises development of monthly linear schedules based on channels positioning and demographics, ratings research, market needs and regulations, competitive analysis and ad sales needs
Supervises the team of Programming Coordinators and monitors implementation of programming strategies
Creates and maintain programming plans and forecasts
Researches, screens and identifies TV trends and relevant content
Communicates strategy and provides content information when needed
Presents the programming plan to other departments and agrees upon the priority highlights
Ensures all rights are being observed (licence periods, runs, etc)
Coordinates and monitor versioning
Supervises Schedulers to ensure an effective implementation of long and short form, on air promotion, break optimisation and ad sales strategies
Monitors monthly schedules entry into programming system and manages all content rights
Coordinates and monitor content information inserted into the programming system
Promos & Logs:
Works closely with other departments to create monthly on air promotion strategy, discuss and decide upon the priorities in the making list
Coordinates with on air department to ensure promotional spots consistency with content and programming strategy
Ratings and Market analysis:
Initiates changes to the schedule based on quantitative research and market analysis
Oversees preparation of complex analysis and ad hoc reports as required
Maintains an up-to-date and thorough knowledge of the Poland TV market by studying ratings and schedules of competitors
Multi-territory cooperation:
Supportive role, sharing best practices and collaborative work with programming teams in CE markets (including Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic and Slovakia) to enhance synergy and effectiveness)
Organisational role in terms of scheduling, programming selection and development of strategies for relevant channels from FNG portfolio in Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic and Slovakia
Coordinates editorial policies and programming strategies with international, regional and global teams
At least 5 years of proven experience in media industry, preferably in Programming or Scheduling
Good knowledge of Central Europe markets and global trends in tv industry
Proven experience in programming linear channels and non-linear services
Advanced knowledge of tv research
Self-driven and working independently with minimal direction
Advanced skills in MS Office (esp Word, Excel and Power Point)
University degree
Wysyłając zgłoszenie rekrutacyjne do FOX NETWORKS GROUP POLAND SP. Z O.O. (Pracodawca, administrator danych), zgadzasz się na przetwarzanie przez Pracodawcę Twoich danych osobowych zawartych w zgłoszeniu rekrutacyjnym w celu prowadzenia rekrutacji na stanowisko wskazane w ogłoszeniu.
Jeżeli chcesz, abyśmy zachowali Twoje CV w naszej bazie, umieść dodatkowo w CV następującą zgodę: „Zgadzam się na przetwarzanie przez FOX NETWORKS GROUP POLAND SP. Z O.O. danych osobowych zawartych w moim zgłoszeniu rekrutacyjnym dla celów przyszłych rekrutacji”.
W każdym czasie możesz cofnąć zgodę, kontaktując się z nami pod adresem recruitmentce@fox.com